PWT & Summer Camps

Leverage PWT as a tool to assist Camp Directors in providing a safe health environment for staff and campers in the age of COVID-19

The PWT System

What is It?

The Personal Warning Temperature System (referred to as PWT) is a web-based personal body temperature recording and analysis system for detecting potential illness before traditional symptoms appear.

The system is comprised of an oral thermometer (not provided), software database to record daily temperatures, and an algorithm to calculate an individual’s average temperature and a warning temperature unique to them.

An Example of

The Summer Camp
Use Case

A Great Addition to Your Camp’s COVID-19 Safety Plan & Protocol

Why Do Camps Need It?

To implement a personal temperature warning system that will provide actionable data to the Camp Director for earliest possible identification of a potentially contagious camper based on elevated temperature in relation to their personal warning temperature.

  • Pre-camp usage will calculate the incoming camper’s personal average temperature for purposes of establishing a warning temperature prior to arrival.
  • Usage during camp will compare daily readings against their warning temperature that can indicate infection and need for additional precautionary steps.
  • Benefits

    Can help prevent summer camp
    shutdowns in 2021!

  • Provides proof for regulators that an incoming camper does not have an elevated personal temperature upon arrival.
  • Identifies a temperature above a camper’s personal warning temperature leading to early quarantine and additional testing.
  • This early identification can reduce the potential of virus spread by several days by not waiting for 100.4 ℉ as the conventional measure of a fever.
  • Reduces the time of exposure and chance of spread to the general population and potential camp shutdowns.
  • Add PWT to Your Camp

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